AZYC NSW, formerly, ZYC NSW, is the umbrella organisation of the Zionist Youth Movements in Sydney. We work alongside the movements in Sydney, aiming to help foster a community which develops strong leaders and engaged youth.
The AZYC-NSW runs events and activities for both the Chanichim and Madrichim of all movements to bring the community together and provide experiences which are enhanced by the collective. Our major events during the year include Seminars, Jamboree, Shavuot Soundbites among many others that shows the strength of the Sydney Zionist community.
The AZYC-NSW is run by Mili Haber. For more information, please contact them at [email protected]

Movements in NSW
Our Mission
The AZYC celebrates the range and differences of its affiliate ideologies under the one umbrella. This is what makes it a unique and strong organisation.
The AZYC strives to unite bogrim and chanichim of different youth movements in order to focus on our shared values, deep connection to Israel, and Zionism.
The AZYC provides practical support and guidance to the youth leadership of each movement. It seeks to ensure that each movement achieves its full potential, regardless of size.
The AZYC offers professional development and skill training to all its youth movements